
Ultrasound Timeline

Ultrasound scans are all performed at specific times during pregnancy to complement the size, development, and position of your baby. Below is a guide to show you which scans are available at what stage during your pregnancy.

Visual heartbeat: from 6 weeks

See your baby’s heart beating

Length of baby: from 8 weeks

We will measure your baby’s length

Dates: from 8 weeks

We can check your date of conception and your expected due date (EDD) from 8 weeks into your pregnancy

Foetal Biometry: from 15 weeks

Head, tummy & femur measurements

Audible Heartbeat: from 16 weeks

See and hear the heart beating

Foetal Weight: from 28 weeks

An estimation of the weight of your unborn baby

Liquid Volume, Placenta, Presentation: from 32 weeks

Checking the position of baby and placenta, along with the volume of amniotic fluid

Book your pregnancy scan in Mansfield online or call us today

Booking on phone: 01623 272 662
Please contact us if we can answer any of your questions, you have some feedback or if we can help with
your booking.